motivational story in english -Today's inspiring theme

 motivational story in english
 Today's inspiring theme 
motivational story in english -Today's inspiring theme
 This inspirational story will teach you to live life, take time out and read it.

   A child asks his father. * Papa, what does the word great mean? I have read a lot that the person was great, he did it, he did it. You have to explain to me who are great people and how they are great  Are made.

 Father said okay- * Father thought of an idea to explain the meaning of the great word to the son - he said to the son, let's bring 2 plants, plant one inside the house and the other outside the house.  After that the father says, son, what do you think of these two plants will be big and safe?

  * Son said- * Father, this is also a asking thing, the plant which is inside our house is safe, it will be big but the outside plant is not safe at all, it will have to withstand many seasons. Any animal can eat it.  The father was calm and he said, son, I will answer it when the time comes.

 The son goes out for 4 years to study and when he comes back, looking at the plant inside the house, Papa said, I said it will be safe, nothing will happen to this plant. The father smiled and he said the son just outside  Come on, look at that other plant.

 When the son goes out and sees, a huge tree is there, the son is not sure how he has become so big, whereas the plant inside the house is 100 times smaller than that.  The plant became such a big tree because it faced every season, faced thousands of difficulties.

 But because the plant inside was safe, it did not face any weather, nor did it get sunlight properly and it did not become big. Remembering that this person can become great in the world like this tree, who has thousands of problems.  And whoever thinks of being safe like a tree inside, will never become great.

 Friends, you become miserable in some work. You get less number in studying or if you get spread then you become miserable.  If you give up in the middle, then you will not be able to grow up in your life like a tree inside the house. Great people have spread many times before becoming great, only then they can become great.  Even after this, you remain adamant, understand that no one can stop you from becoming great.

  * Tell one thing to yourself- * No matter how many difficulties come in my way, even if I break down and go away, I will remain at my destination, no matter what cost I have to pay for it.  .  Get a fresh start from today
motivational story in english
 Today's inspiring theme 

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